The commodities market is a place where raw materials, such as natural resources or agricultural products, are traded. A commodity is a physical substance that can be bought or sold, such as crude oil, coffee, or sugar – which are among the most traded commodities in the market. Commodity prices are influenced by various economic, political, and environmental factors.

- Portfolio diversification By investing in commodities, traders can spread their risk across multiple asset classes and reduce their exposure to any one particular asset. This can help to reduce the overall risk of the portfolio.
- Liquidity The commodities market is highly liquid, meaning that there is always a buyer or seller for any given commodity. This makes it easier for traders to enter and exit trades at any time without having to worry about finding a counterparty.
- Hedge against inflation Commodities tend to perform well in times of inflation because they are physical assets that can be used to produce goods and services. As the cost of inputs rises, the price of the finished product also rises, leading to higher commodity prices.
Start Trading Commodities
Prominent Commodities
Industrial Metals -Copper, Aluminum, Zinc, Nickel
Energy – Crude Oil: WTI, Natural Gas, Crude Oil: Brent, Gas Oil, Gasoline, Heating Oil
Grains – Soybeans, Corn, Soybean Meal, Soybean Oil, Wheat
Softs – Sugar, Coffee, Cotton
Livestock-Live Cattle, Lean Hogs
It is important to understand the nature of different markets.
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